Toenail Fungus
What Causes Toenail Fungus?
Toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, is caused by fungi that thrive in warm, moist environments. Common causes include walking barefoot in public places, ill-fitting shoes, foot hygiene, and having a weakened immune system or pre-existing health conditions.
A comprehensive evaluation is critical to determining the best treatment for your toenail fungus. Early management is key to long-term success.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of toenail fungus include thickened, discolored, brittle nails, crumbling edges, nail distortion, odor, and possible pain or discomfort.
How we can help!
Our board-certified specialists offer a comprehensive treatment plan for toenail fungus. We generally begin by testing the nail to confirm the presence of fungus, as there are several mimics of toenail fungus that may not respond to treatment.

Suggested Treatments
Fungal Toenail Laser
Our Fungal Toenail Laser is an effective, non-invasive treatment conducted in the office with minimal pain and successful results of up to 85% clearer nails.
The Fungal Toenail Laser utilizes a proprietary combination of focused photon energy and variable pulse structure destroys the fungus through “selective photothermolysis” - it heats and kills the fungus! The variable pulse structure briefly pauses the laser pulse before damaging healthy tissue or causing pain.
Our Fungal Toenail Laser can be used alone or in combination with oral and topical treatments. Discuss with your doctor at InStride Capital Foot & Ankle Centers.
Total Fungal Nail Treatment Package
First, a nail clipping specimen is obtained to confirm the presence of fungus. If your nail is positive for fungus, we offer a Total Fungal Nail Treatment Package, which includes:
Six (6) once-a-month Laser treatments
Sessions last 5-10 mins
Topical Antifungal Nail Polish
Topical Antifungal Skin Cream
Antifungal Shoe Spray
Professional Nail Nippers
Toenail Cleaning Brush
Total Fungal Nail Laser Package Cost $785
Toenail laser therapy is not covered by insurance plans, but can be paid from HSA/FSA plans. Patients should always check with HSA/FSA carriers to ensure coverage.

Do You Have Foot Pain?
Our Specialist Can Help.
Don't let foot pain keep you from living your best life. Our team is ready to help.
If you experience any of these conditions, call 919-829-0076 to get the help you need.